Hello & a warm welcome!
Posting latest pieces of art work, words, thoughts and travel, streaming inspiration.
Within this space of transition, I embrace with an open heart, creativity as my guide through this chaos, like
a golden thread, weaving a path to an unknown destination. Along this journey, I hope to engage and share, with you, the reader and viewer.
With Love, Steve
“A longing to wander tears my heart when I hear trees rustling in the wind at evening. If one listens to them silently for a long time, this longing reveals its kernel, its meaning. It is not so much a matter of escaping from one’s suffering, though it may seem to be so. It is a longing for home, for a memory of the mother, for new metaphors for life. It leads home. Every path leads homeward, every step is birth, every step is death, every grave is mother.”
'Marrakesh Red City'
The city of romance, mysticism, theatricals, and royalty, Marrakesh lends a rose-tinted view of to a world apart from the high rise concrete realities of our life.
'Cellular Memory'
Our cellular memory is held within the base, root chakra. It functions like a hard drive, cellular memory storage from all of ones life streams.
'Return to Eden'
By divine right we have the ability to grow liquid light, plasma flower gardens of every variety, roses of every hue, from out of the Holy Grail Cup that exists within our loving hearts.
We are a vessel that exists within our own loving hearts. This Paradise eden within. The art rests in slowing down, to touch this space and Return to Essence.
'Music of the Spheres'
The Music of the Spheres is an ancient philosophical concept that regards the movement in proportions of the celestial bodies. The Sun, Moon and planets as a form of music. The music isnt necessarily heard but a harmonic concept.
'Divine Union'
There are two sides of polarity that exists within everything. Everything is dual; everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites, and the opposites are identical in nature but exist in different degrees.
The Ceremony began at dusk. In the Malloca, high ceiling hut, sat 16 initiates of Ayahuasca plant medicine. The 8 hrs became a winding path and journey, visiting aspects and realms of consciousness.
The Shamans song, powerful healing tones, played in the warm dark air.
At dawn the Ceremony closed and we emerged, fresh, vulnerable and open to the new day.
'Harmonic Ocean'
Within this space exists five core Tribes. Violet, Gold and Pink, Blue and Green. This is the void where creative expression communicates through sound. Movement established the initial foundation pattern and inter relationship of the Tribes. Their interaction together opens up an ocean of playful harmonics. Liminal sound waves that react to the viewers line of sight.
'A Better Way'
“He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
'Timeline to Paradise'
The vibratory critical mass with groups of people on earth will indeed be the deciding factor resulting in the frequency split through the different Timelines which are also dimensions of time and space. More cities and community living areas will reflect either a harmonized or discordant group vibration that will either repel or attract certain levels of Consciousness.
'The Shaman'
At the base of the site a track led to a small waterfall, where we bathed, cleansed and blessed with flowers in preparation. It was hot and the raw jungle close. Everything was alive with rampant plants and nature. Butterflies sang in the warm air.
'Marrow Bridge'
The Marrow: to the core and strength of belief.
Core component for the production of red blood cells, generating hundreds of billions of red blood cells every day. The Marrow is an interface, point of manifestation, transition and regeneration, housed in the protective structure of bone.
Marrakesh, steeped in ancient artistry. Walking through the red square at sunset, sensation overload.
'Thoughts of Water'
‘Thoughts of Water’’ embracing the elements. Within this space, cells form to take the shape of an Organic living crown.
Painted just outside Malaga in Spain. Memories of exploring tiny, white washed villages in the hills, bathed in golden evening sunlight.
Rocks & Flowers
Spring time on the islands of Koufonisia & Amorgos, Greece. Such beautiful inspiration in the landscape
Sound Waves
Creation is frequency, sound waves and rhythms. What we see are vibrating fields of energy. Layer upon layer of intricate patterns. Nothing is solid.