'Timeline to Paradise'


To better understand multidimensions, is to comprehend that there are many different timelines which make up the harmonic scale of the Universal Time Matrix. In the creational structure of Harmonic Universes there are two timelines per dimensional octave. So within our Harmonic Universe of 3D earth, within the three dimensions, we have six timelines.

When we energetically evolve and move up in octave, being initiated into higher frequencies, we are exposed to more dimensional octaves, therefore more potential timelines. Within these dimensions of future timelines are Stations of Identity, commonly called “Soul”, “oversoul”, “higher self”, which comprise body parts or whole spiritual bodies of our “forgotten” selves.

These are spiritual energetic bodies that hold our intelligence matrices, our mind matrices, that make up our spiritual identity, and of which we are designed to reclaim during these “Timeline Collapses” transpiring during the Ascension Cycle.

This is why those on the ascension path continually experience energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories of their unresolved emotion and Consciousness states throughout the multiple timelines experienced by other selves and their identities or lifetimes. (What? This painful emotional theme, again?) We have to move through the series of timelines in each dimensional octave and reclaim our spiritual identity while recoding and changing the obsolete or false reality of Alien Machinery from interfering with our continued spiritual growth.

Like a tri-athlete running and jumping over the hurdles, we merge with these multidimensional timefields and collect our spiritual bodies, thus reclaiming our Consciousness to make it to the finish line. What is being accomplished with this process, especially now with Guardian Ascension Timeline, is that we have to move through all the artificial Mind Controlled, inorganic time fields ( negative alien timelines with their False Gods enslavement agendas) in order to arrive at the God Gateway, the Center point of union in Zero Point.

Oil on copper metal
October 2021
Size: 76x150cm

Bifurcation of Timelines

The vibratory critical mass with groups of people on earth will indeed be the deciding factor resulting in the frequency split through the different Timelines which are also dimensions of time and space. More cities and community living areas will reflect either a harmonized or discordant group vibration that will either repel or attract certain levels of Consciousness. The bifurcation of energies creates Ascending Hubs or descending hubs on the earth surface. Most Humans will be sharing the experience of intensified energies in these time splits as a sensation of instability, mystery and that anything can happen at the drop of a hat.

Those that may get stuck in the lower spiral of these dense energies will be repeating the old previous timeline along with the theme that astrologically was represented in the Eighteenth Portal of Consciousness known as the "Moon" in classic Tarot.

Lisa Renee, Ascension Glossary

‘Timeline to Paradise’ has been painted on a liquid copper base. The material is a special binder, into which is mixed real copper powder and then heavily oxidised. I love the process of oxidation, unpredictable and transformative.

We see a space figure, gliding through this process of transformation, crystalline structures, immutable, weaving patterns of change and transmutation. From one sphere of consciousness we blend and merge with the next on our path of evolution and journey back to the stars, from where we came.


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